New Beginnings

The hand is extended... it is accepted...
Biblical knowledge is that the number 8 is of new beginnings. In Native American tradition, the dragonfly symbolizes new beginnings and birth. The above photo was taken in front of Peletiah's Tavern on August 8, 2008. We believe that the proud history of our people will be born anew to the recognition of a brave people sacrifice.
“In the beginning it was understood that all men were brothers as there is only one Creator. Now, man needs understanding to remember this. It is the responsibility of all man to understand his brother so that he may truly understand himself. This pleases his Creator.” Message from the Creator given to Chief Caring Hands 5-24-10.
The teaching that all men are created equal is clear. In many of the Creator’s messages it is also clear His love for the differences that He has created. The results of giving up one’s culture are no more evident than the tragic story of the Praying Indian.
We are survivors of the “remnant of sacrifice” acknowledging our responsibility to the Father and brotherhood to man. We dedicate “Brothers and Sisters” to the pride of the indigenous to the land, the brotherhood of man, and the healing efforts toward true reconciliation.
To visit the past and walk amongst your people is the desire of all those who love their heritage and story. Our people have been blessed to do such a thing in the extraordinary production of “Song on the Wind” a musical written and produce by David MacAdam and performed by New Life Community Theatre Arts.
First presented to the world in 2004, as the only theatre presentation of the story of the Praying Indian people in existence, it will be performed once again in September of 2010.
Though integral to the country’s history, the Praying Indian presence is little known. We are honored that Pastor MacAdam rose to the challenge of bringing it forth in the spirit of “so none could say they did not know.” We wish to share in invitation to all our native and non native brothers and sisters of the world. Join us for this historic September, where all may attend the play to “visit with our people of the past” and then attend the Natick Praying Indian Powwow and “visit with the people of “their future” and our today.

On this day of August 8, 2008, Chief Anne Richardson of the Rappahannock Tribe and brothers and sisters from the Tribe of Jesus Christ from Jamestown VA, “The Wolf pack” came to our people in reconciliation of that done to our people, Chief Anne’s people and all the native people of this land.
Following an evening of lifting up, the morning of August 8, 2008 a journey began with our Natick Praying Indian delegation and our brothers and sister of faith. Meeting first on the lands of Cochituate Lake, our “8-8-8 Family” visited the falls where our people were gathered in 1675 to be taken to Deer Island. The group then went to the Eliot Church still on its original land site. We then traveled onto Peletiah’s Tavern a point of Natick social life after the Deer Island tragedy. Finally we visited Deer Island for a facing of the past and communion with the land. The group then traveled to Plymouth, place of where the Pilgrims first landed, and met with Pokanoket Tribal representatives.
A Special Note from the Natick Praying Indians…
The 8-8-8 experience was a highly visual account of the efforts of churches that are now extending in reconciliation, an attempt of restitution to a wrong. We honor those brave enough to fulfill that which is right and walk in the rightful order of submission to the deed. We speak to you, and each is known, that have invited us to your spiritual home.
The Native American, although the indigenous of the country, is now one of many cultures that make up the diversity in our society. There is much diversity also within the Native American Indian culture. There are hundreds of tribal nations. Many times persons from these nations are of "mixed" heritage in that one or more tribes combine in a bloodline. However, there is an unique diversity within the Native culture itself that is often overlooked. These are the Native Americans that are of "mixed heritage" with the white and black race. Within New England this is very evident.
A native warrior or maiden may be white skinned, blue eyed or even red haired. It may also be that a native warrior or maiden may be brown skinned with coarse hair. These are the descendants of our native brothers and sisters whose bloodline was nearly annihilated through war and disease during colonial contact. Adding to the assimilation was the practice of deporting the Native captives to foreign islands and lands. Further, many of the warriors were killed. This all resulted in the marrying of many Indian woman to non-native men. The descendants of this "hidden group of diversity" is pained by the "Gee, you don't look like an Indian" comments.
Although the practice of placing Natives on reservations was cruel; ironically, it allowed opportunity for a retention of culture that was not given to their brothers and sisters of the East . Yes, the "full blood" brothers and sisters were blessed through this cruel way. Our "full blood" brothers and sisters should indeed be proud of their status. It is an attestation and witness to our strength and beginnings. However, when placed as a division, there is nothing of the "old way" of adopting into a tribe without thought of color or race. What was and is important is the "full spirit" that is shared with all native brothers and sisters.
Look to the amazing perseverance of a beautiful people, able to adapt to their changing environment while holding to the strength and beauty of their culture. Then look between the colors of the Creator's rainbow and see the shades... beautiful shades. They are diverse... beautifully diverse.
"Powwow Mother" (Elaine Bergstrom) 1943-2009
This is a picture of mom and her oldest grandchild. After spending Saturday at
Natick listening to "Generations" her favorite drum, she passed on in the stillness
of the following Monday morning. We miss you. Love, your daughter Alyn
She will be greatly missed by our Powwow Family...